Dry needling is a widespread invasive technique in sports physiotherapy, which uses acupuncture needles to treat the trigger points of myofascial pain syndrome.
For the application of this technique, it is very important to locate the myofascial trigger point. We will stimulate it mechanically through compression, and we will look for a local spasm response of the muscle fiber and its referred pain (pain that manifests in a different location from the localized site).
The main goal is to treat myofascial pain syndrome . Thanks to the dry needling, the damaged muscle fibers are released and unblocked by reflex. The muscle regenerates faster and also activate pain inhibition mechanisms.
This technique can be used in cases of trauma, overloads, muscle contractures, muscle fatigue, neck pain, back pain, low back pain, etc.
There are two types:
Superficial dry needling: the acupuncture needle is introduced into the skin and the subcutaneous cellular tissue that cover the trigger point at a maximum depth of 1 cm, without penetrating the muscle.
Deep dry needling: puncture of the trigger points located in the deep muscles, therefore the needles must be inserted until reaching the trigger point. The size of the needle will depend on the depth of the PGM. Once we insert the needle, we will stimulate introducing and removing the needle or making it rotate.
There are two types:
Superficial dry needling: the acupuncture needle is introduced into the skin and the subcutaneous cellular tissue that cover the trigger point at a maximum depth of 1 cm, without penetrating the muscle.
Deep dry needling: puncture of the trigger points located in the deep muscles, therefore the needles must be inserted until reaching the trigger point. The size of the needle will depend on the depth of the PGM. Once we insert the needle, we will stimulate introducing and removing the needle or making it rotate.
After the puncture, it is necessary to apply different complementary techniques that will improve the effects of the technique, such as mobilizations, eccentric strenght exercises, massage therapy or spray-strech. All of this will be aimed at increasing local metabolism and activating tissue recovery processes .
Invasive physiotherapy
It is a very effective technique within sports physiotherapy, which allows us to shorten the recovery times of musculoskeletal injuries. The tolerance of this technique will depend on the patient's pain threshold.
50 min